高野山真言宗薬王寺 住職 川神弘資 よりご挨拶
住職の川神弘資(かわかみ こうし)と申します。
また、ご本尊薬師如来ということで多くの病苦の方々に加持力をもって精進を重ねております。 ご相談等ございましたお気軽にお電話または問い合わせフォームよりお問い合わせください。
Thank you very much for your interest in us, Yakuoh-ji temple, and visiting our website.
I am the chief priest, Kohshi Kawakami.
Yakuoh-ji is a temple of the Koyasan Shingon-shu, which is a Japanese sect of Shingon Buddhism founded by Kukai..
The principle object of worship at our temple is Yakushi Nyorai. The flanking attendants are Nikko bodhisattva (Sunlight bodhisattva and Moon Bodhisattva (Moonlight Bodhisattva). The temple is dedicated to Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru), the Buddha of healing. Please ask us any questions and health consultation by telephone or contact form.
Gasshou (I will pray for you. I will join my palms together in prayer.)

高野山真言宗薬王寺 副住職 川神悠敬よりご挨拶
副住職 挨拶
どのようなご相談でも構いませんので、HP上のお問い合わせ、お電話、または直接お越しいただければ対応させていただきます。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。
Thank you for visiting our temple website.
I am a vice priest ,Yukei Kawakami.
I graduated California State University and worked at a bank in Japan.
I am still learning many stuff from you and Buddhism, but I am trying to reciprocate for you by my experience and Buddhism.
Please ask us any questions by contact form, TEL or visiting us.
Thank you,Gashou
Yukei Kawakami